Monday, September 22, 2008

Sandy Girl

Here's my Sandy. She's grown so fast it's amazed me. . . She's a whopping 5 feet 3 inches - towering above all other children in 5th grade except for one boy. She's wearing women's size 1 jeans - only one size smaller than me! She's wearing a women's size small top and size 8 shoes - 1 to 1/2 size bigger than me!

I bought Sandy the second book in the City of Ember Series - The People of Sparks (released in 2004) by Jeanne DuPrau. The Prophet of Yonwood (released in 2006) is next. And I don't want to overwhelm her, but the fourth book - The Diamond of Darkhold was released August 26, 2008! She breezed through book one: The City of Ember in one week. I'm so happy she's found a series she's enjoying.

Her parent-teacher conference was last Thursday. Her teacher is thrilled with Sandy. She said she was pleased with Sandy's choices for friends and was impressed with her ability to help people. She was worried Sandy and Tyler's break-up (Tyler is a girl) would be dramatic, but she said Sandy handled it seamlessly as she made friends with other girls who were "better choices." Her grades were:

Language Arts Composition: 97% (A)
Math: 90% (A-)
Reading: 99% (A)
Social Studies: 111% (A+)
Art: 100% (A+)
Music: 100% (A+)
PE: 100% (A+)
Educational Technology: 96% (A)

Her average is 99% (A)

I'm thrilled! My mother could never have even HOPED for a good report from a school teacher of mine . . . Sandy is a joy! :)